Wednesday, 14 December 2011

US study has revealed weight-loss in a team environment is CONTAGIOUS

The study by the Miriam Hospital's Weight Control and Diabetes Research Centre and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University found that participants in a team-based weight-loss competition not only lost a similar amount of weight as their comrades, but those who said their teammates played a large role in their weight loss shed the most fat.

We know that obesity can be socially contagious, but now we know that social networks play a significant role in weight loss as well, particularly team-based weight loss competitions, said lead author Dr Tricia Leahey.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

How Honey And Weight Loss Are Connected

Honey Water Can Speed Up Weight Loss

Honey Water Can Speed Up Weight Loss Honey is a natural sweetener that contains vitamins and minerals which can help in weight loss. When taken in combination with lemon juice and warm water, it can help digestion. Go through this article to read more about how slimming pills can help in weight loss.

According to data from the Association of Public Health Observatories, the UK tops the obesity league in Europe. In England itself about 32% of the total female population and 46% of the total male population are overweight. For an effective weight management, any diet program should be directed toward slow and steady weight loss. Losing more weight quickly does not guarantee you a permanent weight loss. Let's get an overview of some of the natural ways to lose weight.

Female Libido Enhancers Can Reignite Your Sex Life

Female Libido Enhancers Can Reignite Your Sex LifeFemale libido enhancers have been a boon for women suffering from female sexual dysfunction. Intrinsa patch is a type of testosterone patch that can release a controlled dose of testosterone into the bloodstream. Read this article to get full knowledge about the usage of Intrinsa patch.

Female sexuality varies across different cultures and regions of the world. It encompasses psychological, physiological, social, cultural, political and religious aspects of sex. Female sexual dysfunction affects the lives of many women all over the world. It basically comprises symptoms such loss of sexual desire, loss of arousal, problem having an orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Let's Reinvent Female Libido

Lost Female Sex Drive Can Be Retrieved

Testosterone plays a crucial role in female sexuality. Surgically-induced menopause can cause a rapid drop in hormonal levels, which can cause female sexual dysfunction. Let's read on to know more about female sexual dysfunction treatment with Intrinsa Patch.

Male sexual drive can be easily defined and restored, but that's not always the case with females. Female libido is influenced by multiple factors ranging from physical, psychological, and social aspects.

A Closer Look At Health Conditions Causing Impotence

How can restoration of intimacy in relationship help overcome impotence?

Is erectile dysfunction creating distance with your partner? Is it making you psychologically burdened with the feeling of guilt and shame? If the answer to all these questions are “yes”, you are at the right page at the right time. Let's dig in some facts about a couple's perspective towards treating erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve an erection when sexually aroused, or to maintain an erection long enough for intercourse. Erectile performance can be associated with some things that men have control over. The impact of erectile dysfunction is not limited to men, it extends to their partners as well. Men may feel ashamed and psychologically burdened because of this type of sexual dysfunction. Similarly, women who measure their self-esteem by how well they can incite arousal may be more vulnerable to rejection.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

An Increased Risk Of Dementia With Obesity

An Established Link Between Obesity And Dementia

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study that suggested a gene linked to obesity may be associated to dementia also. Obese people in their late 40s have a 74% increased risk of developing dementia as compared to those with healthy weight.

A link between middle-age obesity and development of Alzheimer's disease has already been established by scientific studies. But a pattern of diminished brain volume has been noticed in a 3-D brain mapping of a number of elderly people. These people were also carriers of a specific type of gene known as fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene. Also, people with normal body mass index (BMI) can have decreased risk of dementia as compared to people with an elevated BMI.

Silence Is Not Golden With Erectile Dysfunction

Why Do Some Men Choose To Suffer In Silence With Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction is no longer a condition to be ashamed of. It is usually a common problem that developes as men get older. But occurrence of erectile problems in younger men has raised concerns and the need to have an in-depth study of this condition. A range of physiological and psychological factors can be associated with the inability of men to get an erection or maintain an erection when sexually aroused. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused as side effects of certain illegal drugs, diabetes, heart problem, obesity, cancer, and neurological disorders.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause

Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause

Menopause is a phase in the life of a woman that is often known as “the change.” It happens when the ovaries stop producing sex hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in small amounts. These hormones orchestrate female sexual function.

Any abrupt and sharp fall in the level of sex hormones can cause erratic changes in a woman's sex life. Female sexual dysfunction is a disorder that is associated with menopausal changes in a woman's body. Loss of sexual desire, decreased arousal, problems attaining orgasms, vaginal dryness, and painful sexual intercourse are some of symptoms that a woman may experience after menopause.

Obesity Rates Have Risen Threefold In The Last Two Decades

A Sudden Upsurge In Obesity Rates

Obesity has been a growing concern for both the developing and fist-world countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already indicated obesity as a “global epidemic.” Data obtained after extensive research and surveys show that obesity has seen about threefold upsurge in just 20 years.

The WHO has also put forth in 2004 that obesity affects more people than even malnutrition and hunger. According to an estimate, more than one billion adults

Monday, 7 November 2011

Obesity – No Magic Secret To Losing Weight

Choose To Lose Weight - Weight Loss To Improve Quality of Life

Obesity is a menace that is gulping societies at an alarming rate. It is this nature of obesity that WHO Consultation on Obesity has termed this condition as a “disease” in one of its reports. Statistics show that people in Britain are among the most obese in Europe. One-fourth of the total adult population in the UK is considered clinically obese. Obese or overweight people are unable to take part in normal activities such as sports. They are at increased risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressures, diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.

Cialis Helps In Staying Hard To Last Long In Bed

Erectile dysfunction - GDP (genesis, diagnosis, and prognosis)

“Erectile dysfunction” is the last word that any man would want to hear. It is of no big surprise that this type of sexual dysfunction is surrounded by number of misconceptions. But recent medical discoveries have shed more light on the causes of erectile dysfunction. It is no longer a matter of shame or embarrassment that ought to be kept under wraps forever. Earlier, it was believed that impotence is only found in older men and that age contributes to the development of this condition. But it has been found that erectile dysfunction is also prevalent among younger men. Certain lifestyle patterns and psychological issues can make young men vulnerable to this problem.

Caffeine To Boost Female Sex Drive

Coffee As A Female Libido Enhancer

Is your wife suffering from low sex drive and avoiding sex because of it? Research has revealed an interesting correlation between the intake of caffeine and the increase of female libido. Although the research was conducted among rats, there is some evidence to suggest that future treatment of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) may help women be more sexually active. FSD treatment at present is based mostly on artificial testosterone patches such as the Procter & Gamble product Intrinsa patch.

Monday, 31 October 2011

An Overview of Obesity and Workplace Discrimination

An Overview of Obesity and Workplace Discrimination

People who are overweight or obese can experience rejection and discrimination as they search for jobs, negotiate their salary, and face reviews for promotions. Obese or overweight people can face workplace harassment and discrimination regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. A workplace can be a harsh environment for an obese employee to work in. It matters a lot how your whole persona is identified and how you look at your workplace. It is often said that co-workers and managers tend to pay less attention or make fun of obese employees. In most instances, this can cause a denial of equal opportunity to overweight and obese employees. This unprofessional approach hinders rather

Increasing Risk of Swine Influenza in the UK

Increasing risk of swine influenza in the UK

The flu season may well be over in most parts of the globe, but the latest reports suggest that the threat of swine influenza still remains in the United Kingdom. The H1N1 virus has already accounted for many lives in England this winter and many hospitals in the country have temporarily suspended non-emergency operations in view of the growing number of flu patients across the country. Influenza treatment is currently on the top of the list of medical priorities in the UK. Fortunately, you have medicines like Tamiflu oseltamivir for a reliable and quick-action treatment of flu, swine flu included.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Male Pattern Baldness Rooted in the Scalp

Male Pattern Baldness Rooted in the Scalp

Hair is always seen as a sign of beauty. So if you find loose hairs on your pillow when you wake up in the morning, it could increase your concern about hair loss. However, it shouldn't be a matter to bother you as loosing a few hairs on a daily basis is normal. But when you are suffering from male pattern baldness, you need to seek proper medical help to treat it. The first step towards male hair loss treatment should be understanding the anatomy of hair and hair growth cycle.

Role of Androgen in Treating Female Sexual Dysfunction

Role of Androgen in Treating Female Sexual Dysfunction

According to The Sexual Advice Association, about 50% of total women population experience sexual problems that become more prevalent as they get older. Lack of sexual desire, decreased arousal, problems attaining orgasm, and painful intercourse are some of the common symptoms of female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Female sexual response is multidimensional, involving hormonal, psychological, physiological, emotional, and relational parameters. Menopause is one of the common causes of female sexual dysfunction.

Ups and Downs in Love Life and Cialis for Remedy

Ups and Downs in Love Life and Cialis for Remedy

Erectile dysfunction treatment has been through a developmental phase in the past few decades and medical experts on this condition are testing new remedies each year. Yet, a vast majority of men suffering from erectile problems prefer to stick to traditional treatment options, such as tried and tested trio – Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. These PDE-5 inhibitor drugs have delivered erection-inducing results for millions of men and in turn, have earned the trust of men who are new to erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is sexual problem characterized by persistent inability to get and sustain erections during sexual intercourse. Diagnosis of this problem is very important for effective treatment because many men are diagnosed with low libido and treated for ED. You must have the desire to have sex in order to let PDE-5 medications produce erections and improve your sex life.

Many impotent men wonder if taking a medication can fully solve their erection issues. Such doubts occur because erectile dysfunction is not only a problem with just another 'organ' in the body. So unlike most other health conditions, impotence involves the penis as well as the mind and this is why you must find an effective treatment option, which can help you cope with the emotional stress as well as the physicality’s. The question is, are such medicines available which can spare the mind from being impotent?

The answer is yes. Cialis a day is the only medicine that does not serve as a painful reminder of the problem, which men want to forget. Unlike Viagra or Levitra, which you need to take every time before you wish to have sex, Cialis a day is a medicine which you have to take regularly, just like any other pill for any ordinary health problem. You get up in the morning, take a tadalafil pill with a glass of water and get on with your day as normal. And you repeat the same dosing schedule the next day and onward. That's why thousands of people choose PDE-5 inhibitor drugs as erectile dysfunction treatment.

If you frequently struggle to maintain an erection during sex, you should talk with a doctor immediately for an effective method of treatment. No pill can completely cure impotence but with the right pill, you can get the solution you need. The most important benefit of Cialis a day is that it offers the lowest dosages among all the ED medications combined, meaning that you can get effective results without experiencing too many side effects. The most recommended Cialis dosage for regular erectile dysfunction treatment is 5mg. You can also take the 2.5mg pill if asked by your doctor.

You can avoid the embarrassment of standing naked in front of a doctor by buying Cialis online. All you have to do is visit a registered online clinic and fill in a consultation form. Based on the information you provide, you will be given a prescription with which you can place an order for the medicine.

Cialis Tadalafil

Cialis tadalafil isn't just like any other PDE-5 inhibitor impotence drug. It has a unique dosing schedule which can help you overcome the emotional repercussions of erectile dysfunction.