Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause

Female Sexual Dysfunction As An Aftermath Of Menopause

Menopause is a phase in the life of a woman that is often known as “the change.” It happens when the ovaries stop producing sex hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in small amounts. These hormones orchestrate female sexual function.

Any abrupt and sharp fall in the level of sex hormones can cause erratic changes in a woman's sex life. Female sexual dysfunction is a disorder that is associated with menopausal changes in a woman's body. Loss of sexual desire, decreased arousal, problems attaining orgasms, vaginal dryness, and painful sexual intercourse are some of symptoms that a woman may experience after menopause.

The role of testosterone in female sexuality

Testosterone is known as the principal male sex hormone as it is found in a higher percentage in men than in women. But it also plays an essential role in female sexual function. In women, testosterone is produced half in the ovaries and half in the adrenal glands. It helps in maintaining bone mass, and muscle and contributes to the enhancement of female libido. Production of testosterone increases during puberty of women, because it is known as the precursor to oestrogen production. After menopause, testosterone level falls down gradually while oestrogen level decreases dramatically. A lower level of testosterone and oestrogen can cause changes in genital tissues and reduce the response to sexual stimulation. Even when the ovaries are surgically removed (hysterectomy), there is a sudden fall in the level of sex hormones. This hormonal imbalance sets menopause before its natural time. This can cause female sexual dysfunction symptoms such as loss of libido and orgasm problems. A persistent lack of sexual desires and fantasies is termed as hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

Testosterone patches to enhance libido

A range of female libido enhancers present on the market can help women get their sexual lives back on track. Testosterone replacement therapy helps in compensating for the loss of testosterone in the aftermath of hysterectomy-induced menopause. As this hormonal level is maintained, female libido is restored. One of the most effective testosterone replacement therapies comes in the form of patches that can be applied to clear skin just below the waist on the lower abdomen. Testosterone patches release a controlled dose of testosterone into the bloodstream at regular intervals.

Intrinsa patch is a medically approved testosterone patch designed to be worn on the skin for three to four days at a time. Studies show that about 70% of women using Intrinsa experienced more satisfying sex than before. It is also convenient to keep these patches on while going about day-to-day activities such as taking a shower or performing exercise. Intrinsa patches can be used by women up to the age of 60. Certain women are not suitable to use this patch, for example, women with a history of breast cancer or a cancer caused by oestrogen. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid using Intrinsa patch. With the advent of modern technology, women can now order these patches online from registered clinics. They just have to fill in a medical questionnaire regarding their medical history and present lifestyle patterns. It is then studied by a doctor before he or she writes a prescription for Intrinsa patch. If successful, a patient can receive this patch via next day delivery.

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